Bringing hope & freedom to the Haitian & Dominican Communities
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Providing Hope + Freedom to the Haitian + Dominican Communities


History & vision

How it all began & where we’re headed

R.E.F.U.G.E. started out of relationship built by two friends who saw thousands of people desperately in need for Christ Jesus the Lord and the hope He brings–Spirit, Soul, and Body. Millions in Haiti still do not know Christ Jesus. They are lost in voodoo.

In 1978 a forty three year friendship began between Bishop Serge Coulanges from Haiti and Pastor Don Mustard. Their love for people and the loving Gospel of Christ Jesus fueled the birth of R.E.F.U.G.E., a Christian Ministry committed to seeing the Gospel spread through Haiti, a nation of about 11 million people, and has since expanded its reach to the Dominican Republic too. Thanks to our amazing donors–YOU–we have been able to pay for many many churches, many schools to be built, as well as feed thousands starving and meet the basic and medical needs of thousands!

As we pray and dream about the future of all God wants to accomplish through R.E.F.U.G.E. we want to continue meeting the ongoing needs of the thousands of people we work with in Haiti and Dominican Republic but we envision our reach extending beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. With our God nothing is impossible!

As we extend our reach into villages, many towns and cities; we pray Jesus would extend His reach further. Please join us in prayer as we contend for thousands of dear people that God loves so much and wants them to know Him!

Our mission is to bring ETERNAL LIFE AND HOPE to the hopeless! Many who are still lost in voodoo with no hope.

Pastor Don & Bishop Coulanges (middle) standing admits a church build.

Pastor Don & Bishop Coulanges (middle) standing admits a church build.


Get Involved

Donate, Sponsor & Prayer

It is exciting to see all that God is doing in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Thousands of lives are being touched every day! Those who are hungry are being fed. Those without hope are meeting Jesus. Those without means for an education are now going to school. All of this is done through your support, sponsorship of many children, and by the power of prayer. We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something!

Your support and contributions will enable us to touch thousands of lives and improve conditions for the Haitian and Dominican communities. Thank you for partnering with us by donating monetarily, through child sponsorship, and prayer.


Refuge investment

Our Projects
& Builds

We couldn’t be more honored to partner with you through R.E.F.U.G.E. as we change lives through the help of your support! When you donate to R.E.F.U.G.E. we consider you part of the R.E.F.U.G.E. Team.

We lean heavily on the guidance of Pastor and Bishop Serge Coulanges and the needs he witnesses on the ground in Haiti from basic food, clothing, and water needs to building and enlarging many churches, schools, and shelter from storms. We could not do this without the generous support of all of you. Take a look at some of the projects we’ve gotten to complete!

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LaZile - Church 2019

This church and an adjacent school housing 600 students was severally damaged in the recent August 2021 earthquake. Currently there is a team assessing the cost of repair. This structure is used as shelter during large storms and for homeless Haitians. After food needs are met we will begin to focus on the repairs.

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Benerito - Church 2021

Most resent church project completed in the Dominican Republic.


St. Marc - Church 2020

Large church in St. Marc a town of about 700,000 people. This church capacity is 1,500 and completely filled.


Cazeau - School 2020

Large windstorm blew off the entire roof and twisted rafters which we repaired in 2020. This school serves about 1000 students.

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And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations;
— Matthew 24:14